Voice of NEC



“VOICE OF NEC” “இணையத்தால் இணைவோம்” internet radio was established in our institution on 12th of March 2021 for promoting and disseminating our institution to the public, to create a a platform for showcasing our students' talent and to serve society through awareness programmes.


  • To uplift the state of a community almost in all dimensions of their everyday lives.
  • Ensuring access to and encouraging participation in the medium of internet radio.
  • To promote income-generating and self-employment activities
  • To provide information that is not readily available in rural areas
  • To widen the awareness range of the community about employment and educational career
  • Networking with various organizations and groups towards a common purpose
  • To empower women, programmes on health environment and self-employment are being
    produced in frequent slots.
  • To protect the interest of vulnerable people in the community; especially widows, children,
    the aged and the disabled.



In addition to direct listening to Internet radio, a Google app is also available in the Play Store to listen to the internet radio on the go.

Voice of NEC program is scheduled from 6.00pm to 7.00pm daily and the same program is rebroadcasted again at 9.00pm to 10.00pm and also on the next day afternoon from 12.50p.m to 1.50p.m.

Primary Streaming Link:


In addition to the direct listening of internet radio, a Google app is also available in play store to listen the
internet radio on the go.

Incharge Contact Details: 9003513622

Activities in 2023-2024

Voice of NEC program is scheduled daily evening from 6.00pm to 7.00pm and the same program is
rebroadcasted again at 9.00pm to 10.00pm also again on next day afternoon 12.50p.m to 1.50p.m.

  1. Today's Special – (Special Events on that Particular Day)
  2. Thirukural – (A Thirukural with its explanation)
  3. Tech Talk- By Students
  4. Anime decoding- Story by Students
  5. Nee Yaar- Self analysing Speech by Faculty
  6. Ooho appadiya – Talk by Students
  7. Light Music- Vocal and Instrumental Music by Students
  8. Learn to Speak Korean – Korean classes by student
  9. Talk about last week Global Events – Talk by Students
  10. Vedikai Facts – By Students


Sreemathi (ECE), Uma Devi(ECE), Priyadharshini (CSE), Tejasree(CSE), Thansi White(CSE),
Dimple Abirami(CSE), Lalitha(CSE), Vaishnavi (EEE), Premarasu (IT)
