Academic Research
CSE Department is an approved Research Centers for Anna University since 2006.
- Dr.V.Gomathi, M.Tech., Ph.D ., specialized in Video Data Analysis has 25 years of teaching and research experience. She pursued her Doctoral degree on Video Data Analysis from Anna University Chennai during the year 2011 and she has received IE(I) Young Engineer Award and Prof.H.N.Mahabala Endowment prize for her M.Tech thesis. She has published around 60 research papers in her research field both in journals / conferences.
- She is supported by 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professor, 6 Assistant Professors (Sr. Grade) and 17 Assistant Professors.
- The faculty team includes 10 doctoral degree holders.
Faculty members with Ph.D and their area of specialization
S.No | S.No | Name | Designation | Date of joining NEC | Month acquiring Ph.D | Field of Specialization |
1 | 1 | Dr.V.Gomathi | Professor & Head | 19.01.1998 | 01/10/11 | Video Data Analysis |
2 | 2 | Dr.V.Manimegalai | Professor | 15.07.1987 | 2006 | Image Processing |
3 | 4 | Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai | Professor | 09.06.2003 | 01/05/15 | Adhoc & Sensor Networks |
4 | 5 | Dr.S.Kalaiselvi | Asso. Professor | 01.06.2009 | 01/08/21 | Image Processing |
5 | 6 | Dr.J.Naskath | Asso. Professor | 07.06.2006 | 01/04/21 | VANET |
6 | 7 | Dr.R.Rajakumari | Asst.Prof( Sr.Gr) | 12.05.2008 | 01/07/22 | Image Processing |
7 | 8 | Dr.G.Sivagamasundari | Asst.Prof (SG) | 01.06.2006 | 01/10/20 | Image Processing |
8 | 10 | Dr.B.Shunmuga Priya | Asst.Prof (SG) | 04.06.2012 | 01/10/22 | Wireless Sensor Networks |
9 | 11 | Dr.S.Dheenathayalan | Asst.Prof (SG) | 16.07.2012 | 01/07/22 | Wireless Sensor Networks |
10 | 12 | Dr.J.Ida Christy | Asst.Prof | 25.08.2022 | 01/08/19 | Visual Cryptography |
Faculty members pursuing Ph.D and their area of specialization
S.No | S.No | Name | Designation | Date of Joining NEC | Month of Registration Ph.D | Name of the Supervisor | University | Specialization | Current Status |
1 | 1 | Mr D.Vijayakumar | Asst.Pro f (SG) | 04.06.2 010 | Jul-12 | Dr.K.G.Srinivasagan | Anna University | CSE Cloud Computing | Comprehension viva completed |
2 | 6 | Ms.D.Thamarai Selvi | Asst. Professo r | 30.05.2 016 | Jul-19 | Dr.V.Gomathi | Anna University | Diseases Prediction using medical record | Comprehension viva completed |
3 | 7 | Mr.A.Shenbagaraman | Asst Prof | 01.06.2 012 | Jul-21 | Dr.B.Paramasivan | Anna University | Visual wireless Sensor Netwok | Registered |
4 | 9 | Mr.K.Rajkumar | Asst. Prof | 01.06.2 012 | Jul-21 | Dr.B.Paramasivan | Anna University | Under water wireless sensor network | Registered |
5 | 10 | Mr.J.Karthikeyan | Asst. Prof | 01.10.2 021 | Jul-23 | Dr.V.Gomathi | Anna University | Augmente d and VirtualRe ality | Pursuing Coursework |
6 | 11 | Ms.M.Kanthimathi | Asst. Professo r | 10.6.20 19 | Jul-24 | Dr.N.B.Prakash | Anna University | Medical Image Processing | Registered |
7 | 14 | Ms. R. Navedha Evanjalin | Asst. Professo r | 217.20 22 | Jul-24 | Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai | Anna University | Visual Sensor Network | Registered |
8 | 15 | Ms.S.G.Janani Ratthna | Asst. Professo r | 9.1.202 3 | Jul-24 | Dr.S.Kalaiselvi | Anna University | Predective data analytics | Registered |
9 | 16 | Ms.K.Amsaveni | Asst. Professo r | 5.7.202 3 | Jan-24 | Dr.J.Naskath | Anna University | Wireless Adhoc Network | Registered |
Full Time Ph.D Scholars(External)
S.No | Research scholar Name | University | Research Field | Month and Year of Registration |
1 | Ms.I Muthuselvi | Anna University | Image Processing | Jan-20 |
2 | Ms.C.Umarani | Anna University | IoT and Cyber security | Jan 23 |
3 | Ms.Angella Rebecca | Anna University | Medical Image | Jan 24 |