The following staff members are the Reviewer for Various international journals and conferences

Dr. M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan
Dr.S. Senthil Kumar

vignesh Activities

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1 1 Solai1 9994476164
2 2 nec 999999999
3 3 samy 999999999
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Ph.d Supervisors

S.No S.No Name of the Supervisor Research Area Ref.No
1 1 Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Control system, evolutionary computation 1730288
2 2 Dr.L.Kalaivani Electrical drives, control, soft computing, SRM 2340129
3 3 Dr.R.V.Maheswari Partial discharge, Pattern Recognition, Transformer oil 2630014
4 4 Dr. N. B. Prakash Image Processing, Embedded Systems, Pollution Performance on Insulators, Energy Conservation 3340036
5 6 Dr. B. Vigneshwaran High Voltage Engineering, Partial Discharge, High Voltage Insulator, Artificial Intelligence Techniques 4030017

Research Papers Published

S.No Details About Total
1 Number of National/ International Journals 200
2 Number of International Conferences 82
3 Number of National Conferences 79

Academin Recognitions

The following staff members are the Reviewer for Various international journals and conferences

Dr. M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan
Dr.S. Senthil Kumar

Sponsored Research Projects

S.No Name of the faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Amount (Rs) Period Status
1 Principal Investigator Dr.M.Ravindran Asso.Prof./EEE  Co-Investigators Dr.L.Kalaivani Asso.Prof.(SG)/EEE Mr.M.P.E.Rajamani Asst.Prof.(SG)/EEE Four Quadrant Operation of Switched Reluctance Motor with a Single Controllable Switch DRDO 3 Yrs 9,45,000 2008-2011 Completed
2 Principal Investigator Dr.R.Karthik Asso.Prof / EEE Investigations of Critical Electrical Characteristics and UV Response of Transformer Oil DST 2 Yrs 7,68 ,000 2010-2012 Completed
3 Principal Investigator Dr. M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan Prof.&Head/EEE Co-InvestigatorMr. J. SivadasanAsst.Prof.(SG)/EEE Tuning of Nonlinear PID Controllers for TRMS using Evolutionary Algorithms AICTE 3 Yrs 9,75 ,000 2013-2016 Completed
4 Principal Investigator Mr.M.P.E.Rajamani Asst.Prof.(SG)/EEE Co-InvestigatorDr.P.Subburaj Real Time Implementation of PID Controller for Single Phase Buck-Boost Power Factor Correction Converter using Evolutionary Computation. UGC 2 Yrs 4,45,000 2017-2019 Completed
5 Principal Investigator: Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan, Prof.&Head/EEE, CO-PIs: Dr.B.Vigneshwaran, Asst.Prof.(SG)/EEE, Mr.M.Sivapalanirajan, Asst.Prof./EEE  Denoising Algorithm for Noise Reduction in MEMS Sensors ISRO - RESPOND 2 Yrs 18,90,960 2023-2025 On Going

Research Centre

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has been recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai.

Students Projects

S.No S.No Nature of the Activity Funding Agency Participants Amount Academic Year
1 1 Electrical Wheel Chair TNSCST,  Chennai P.Punithavalli M.Muppudathi Rs. 6,000 2011-12
2 2 Navigator for blind TNSCST,  Chennai P.Rajeswari M.Kiruthikadevi Rs. 6,000 2011-12
3 3 Watch with Heart Attack Detection Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) P.Punithavalli M.Muppudathi P.Rajeswari M.Kiruthikadevi (B.E., IV Year EEE) Innovative Project 2012-13
4 4 Advanced Accident Avoidance System Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) R.Sivalingam P.Dineshmari T.Karuppasamy J.Vignesh (B.E., IV Yer EEE) Innovative Project 2013-14
5 5 Investigation of Electrical and physical properties of transformer oil using nano-composites- Institute of Engineers (I) R.Arun Ram Prasath (M.E., HVE) 35,000 2013-14
6 6 Investigating the Critical Properties OLEIC Natural Ester with Nano composites Institute of Engineers (I) D.Vigneshwaran (M.E., HVE) 10,000 2014-15
7 7 Performance Analysis and Breakdown characteristics of XLPE cables under different artificial defects Institute of Engineers (I) S.Sukanya (M.E., HVE) 5,000 2014-15
8 8 Investigation on Electrical & Physical property of mineral oil with Nano composites & Antioxidants Institute of Engineers (I) K.Shivaneshwaran (M.E., HVE) 10,000 2014-15
9 9 Real Time Implementation of Railway Track Fault Detecting System using IR and Ultrasonic Technology Institute of Engineers (I) P.Shanmugam (B.E., III Year EEE) 5,000 2014-15
10 10 Eyeball Sensor in Automatic Wheel Chair for Paralyzed Patients Institute of Engineers (I) Pitchai Kumar Kannan. R PonEsakki Raman. K ThirumaniKrishnasami. R Saravanakumar. G (B.E., IV Year EEE) 5,000 2014-15

P.Punithavalli and M.Muppudathi has won First Prize in the student Project scheme 2012-13 on Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology organized by Kamaraj College of engineering and technology, Madurai.

Collaboration With Foreign Universities/industries

  • Dr.Tangali S. Sudarshan, Professor, University of South Carolina, Columbia has visited our college during the month of December 2011
  • M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan has published research publication with Dr. P.N.SugunthanAsso. prof. / EEE, NTU and A. Alphonse, Asso. Prof. /EEE, NTU Singapore.
  • Mr.R.Karthik has done collaborative research work with MI Materials U.K
  • M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan has published research publication with Prof. Valentina E. Balas, Aural Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania


database S.No Name Guide Name(s) Research Field Month & Year of Regn. Awarded
60 1 Dr.P.Subburaj Dr.L.Ganesan, Dr.K.Ramar Power System EP Application for Loss Reduction Nov-03 Aug-09
62 2 Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Dr.Baskar Tuning of Multivariable PID controller using E.A Jan-07 Nov-10
63 3 Dr.M.Ravindran Dr.Kirubakaran Energy Engineering Feb-10 Mar-14
64 4 Dr.R.V.Maheswari Dr.P.Subburaj Analysis of Partial Discharge Patterns Jun-10 Feb-15
65 5 Dr.G.Kannayeram Dr.P.S.Manoharan Tuning of FACTS controller using E.A. Jun-10 Sep-18
66 6 Dr.L.Kalaivani Dr.P.Subburaj Torque Ripple Minimization of SRM Jul-09 Nov-13
67 7 Dr.N.B.Prakash Dr.D.Selvathi Image Processing Jul-09 Jun-18
68 8 Dr.R.Karthik Dr.T.SreeRengaraja Condition Monitoring of Transformer Oil Using Expert System Jul-09 Aug-13
69 9 Dr.M.P.E.Rajamani Dr.P.Subburaj Power Converters Jun-10 Aug-18
70 10 Mr.J.Sivadasan Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Non Linear Controller Tuning Jan-11 Jun-20

Papers Published in International/National Journals

Academic Year 2010-2011

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No& Page No Year Impact Factor
1 M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan  S. Baskar Expert Systems with Application Covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy based design of centralized PID controller Vol. 37, pp. 5775-5781 2010 2.193
2 N.Lakashminarasimman S. Baskar A. Alphones M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan Wireless Networks Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization of Cellular Base Station Locations using Modified NSGA-II Vol.17, No.3,pp. 597-609   2011 0.958
3 S.Jeyadevi S.Baskar M.Willjuice Iruthyarajan European Transactions on Electrical Power Reactive power planning with voltage stability enhancement using covariance matrix adopted evolution strategy Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1343 -1360 2011 0.45
4 M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan S. Baskar Springer Covariance matrix adapted evolution strategy based design of mixed H2/Hinf PID controller pp. 171-181 2010 -
5 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran International journal of Electrical Engineering A Novel Technique for energy & cost effective drives for A.C & D.C Drives Volume III, pp 241 -250 2010 -

Academic Year 2011-2012

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No& Page No Year Impact Factor
1 S-Z. Zhao S. Baskar P.N. Suganthan, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Information Sciences Multi-objective Robust PID Controller Tuning using Two Lbests Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Vol.181, No. 16, pp. 3323–3335,  2011 3.005
2 S. Jeyadevi, S. Baskar, C.K. Babulal, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Electrical Power and Energy Systems Solving multiobjective optimal reactive power dispatch using modified NSGA-II Vol.33, No.2, pp.219-228.  2011 1.828
3 N.Lakashminarasimman S. Baskar, A. Alphones, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Wireless Networks Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization of Cellular Base Station Locations using Modified NSGA-II Vol.17, No.3, pp. 597-609 2011 0.958
4 Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan S.Jeyadevi S.Baskar European Transactions on Electrical Power Reactive power planning with voltage stability enhancement using covariance matrix adopted evolution strategy Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1343–1360 2011 0.45
5 R.Karthik, SreeRenga Raja T, R.Madavan Arabian Journal for Science and Engg – Springer Enhancement of critical characteristics of transformer oil using nano-materials Vol. 38, No.10, pp. 2725–2733 2013 0.385
6 R.V.Maheswari I.Arunadevi M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Dr.P.Subburaj International Journal of communications and Engineering Partial Discharge Modeling Based on Cavities of Different Shapes Within Solid Dielectrics Vol 4, No.4, pp. 138-144.  2012 -
7 Dr.P.Subburaj N.Amuthan P.Melbamary C.Sharmeela International journal of sustainable energy Ride through and direct model reference adaptive controller for DFIG wind farms Vol.31, No. 4, pp 229-250   2012 -
8 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran   Energy and Power Electrical Energy Conservation in Automatic Power Factor Correction by Embedded system Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 51-54, 2012 -
9 R.Karthik, SreeRenga Raja T, T.Sudhakar S.Sudalaishanmugam Journal of Institute of Engineers-India, Springer Publishers Performance evaluation of Ester oil and mixed insulating fluids Vol-93, No. 3. pp.173-178 2012 -
10 Dr.P.Subburaj, V.Jeyalakshmi S.Murugan   European Journal of Scientific Research Multi-Objective Optimization for Load Frequency Controller design in Three Areas Interconnected Power Systems Vol.92 No. 2 pp. 283-295 2012 0.74

Academic Year 2012-2013

S.No S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
36 1 N.Lakashminarasimman S. Baskar, A. Alphones, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Microwave and Optical Technology letters Optimal placement of mobile antenna in an urban area using evolutionary multi-objective optimization Vol.54, No. 3, pp. 737-743   2012 0.743
37 2 Lakashminarasimman. N, S. Baskar, A. Alphones, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Wireless Personal Communications Base Station Placement for Dynamic Traffic Load Using Evolutionary Algorithms Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 671-691 2013 0.428
39 3 L.Kalaivani, P.Subburaj, M.WilljuiceIruthayarajan  International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor with Torque Ripple Reduction using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) Vol. 53, pp. 69-77 2013 3.432
40 4 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJARCET Energy Efficient operation in Switched Reluctance Motor by Controlling the Voltage Vol. 1, No. 10. pp. 148-152, 2012 -
41 5 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJCSA A Review on Controller in SRM for Energy Efficient Operation Vol. 3, No. 6. pp. 67-74 2013 -
42 6 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJR Energy Efficient Converter for Switched Reluctance Motor Vol. 2, No. 03. pp. 83-84 2013 -
43 7 M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJAETR An Investigation of Energy Efficient drive in Switched Reluctance Motor Vol. 2, No.17. pp. 1-6 2012 -
44 8 R.Karthik SreeRenga Raja T IEEJ trans. on Electrical & Electronics Engg Investigations of Transformer Oil Characteristics Vol. 7, No. 4. pp. 369-374 2012 0.35
45 9 N.B.Prakash Selvathi.D, NeethiBalagopal International journal of emerging technology and Advanced engineering Automated Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy for early Diagnosis using Feature Extraction and support vector machine Vol.2 No.11, PP-103-108, 2012 -

Academic Year 2013-2014

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 Dr.M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJSR A New Energy Efficient Control Drive for Switched Reluctance Motor Vol. 2, No. 03. pp. 166-167 2013 -
2 Dr.M.Ravindran V.Kirubakaran IJAR Speed Control Drive for Switched Reluctance Motor Vol. 3, No. 03. pp. 122-123 2013 -
3 R.Karthik SreeRenga Raja T, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan IET Electric Power Appl. Investigations of Furanic derivatives in Transformer Oil using UV absorption property Vol-7, No. 2. pp. 123-130 2013 1.173
4 R.Karthik SreeRenga Raja T Acta Scientria Technology Investigations of Thermal degradation and spectral response transformer oil Vol-35, No. 2. pp.255-262 2013 0.159
5 R.Karthik SreeRenga Raja T T.Sudhakar Central European journal of Engineering, Springer Deterioration of solid insulation systems for thermal degradation of transformer oil Vol-3, No. 2. pp.226-232 2013 -
6 Dr.P.Subburaj, N.Amuthan P.Melbamary Computer and Electrical Engineering Voltage sag ride-through using improved adaptive internal model controller for DFIG wind farms Vol. 39 ,pp 214-224 2013 0.992
7 S.Manikandan Dr.K.Ramar Dr.K.G.Srinivasagan Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Measurement Multilevel thresholding for segmentation of medical brain images using real coded genetic algorithm Vol. 47, pp. 558 – 568 2014 1.13
8 Dr.L.Kalaivani Dr.P.Subburaj Dr.M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Journal of Acta Scientiarum Technology Artificial Intelligence based Control for Torque Ripple Minimization in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 33-40 2014 0.319
9 M.P.E.Rajamani M.Bakrutheen, A.Raymon, P.Samuel Pakianathan, R.Karthik Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Enhancement of critical characteristics of aged transformer oil using Regenerative additives Vol. 11 No. 1, PP 77 2013 0.303
10 R.Karthik SreeRenga Raja T S.Sudalai Shanmugam Journal Acta Scienatiarum Technology Performance Evolution of Transformer oil using UV-Visible spectrophotometer Vol. 36, No.1, 2014 0.319

Academic Year 2014-2015

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 Dr.P.Subburaj, A. AnbuMegelin Star International Journal of Applied Engineering Research CALSVM Tumour classifier: Cellular Automata with Support Vector machine for Lung Tumour Severity Analysis Vol.9,No.24, pp. 29283-29298 2014 -
2 Dr.P.Subburaj, A. AnbuMegelin Star International Journal of Computing Wavelet shrinkage Adaptive histogram Equalization for Medical Images Vol. 13, No:3 2014 -
3 V.Jeyalakshmi Dr.P.Subburaj Soft Computing PSO scaled fuzzy logic to load frequency control in hydro thermal Power System Vol. 20, No.7, pp. 2577-2594 2016 1.271
4 V.Jeyalakshmi Dr.P.Subburaj WSEAS Transaction Power System Load frequency control in two area multi units interconnected Power system using multi objective Genetic Algorithm  Vol.10, pp.35-45 2015
5 V.Jeyalakshmi Dr.P.Subburaj International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Optimal design of fuzzy controller for load frequency control using Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm  Vol.10, No.3, pp. 8267-8285 2015 -
6 M.WilljuiceIruthayarajan Mr.M.Bakrutheen M.Karthik International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Suitability analysis of natural esters based liquid insulating medium for high voltage transformers Vol.10, No.20, pp: 15331-15335 2015 -
7 L.Kalaivani Ann Rufus International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Spl.Issue Economical Design of photovoltaic water pumping system Vol.10, No.14, pp: 12013-12018 2015 -
8 R.V.Maheswari P.Subburaj B.Vigneswaran L.Kalaivani Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy System Non Linear Support Vector Machine Based Partial Discharge Patterns Recognition Using Fractal Features Vol.27, No.5.: pp. 2649-2664 2014 0.939
9 Dr.R.V.Maheswari Ms.S.Divya  International Journal of Advanced Engineering applications A new empirical approach in modeling of ac flashover voltage for polluted porcelain insulators Vol.7,No.-2, pp:33-41, 2014 -
10 N.B.Prakash D.Selvathi   International Journal of Electrical Engineering Informatics Development of algorithm for Dual stage Classification to estimate severity level of Diabetic Retinopathy in Retinal Images using Soft Computing Techniques Vol-6, No. 4. pp. 717-739 2014 -

Academic Year 2015-2016

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 T. Jarin P. Subburaj Shibu J V Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology A ripple rejection inherited RPWM for VSI working with fluctuating DC link voltage 10(?):709-718 ISSN (Print) 1975-0102,2015 2015 0.517
2 T. Jarin P. Subburaj International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Behavior of Non-deterministic PWM methods and influence of DC link fluctuation in harmonic spreading effect of VSI output voltage spectrum ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10, No.20, 2015 2015 -
3 M.P.Rajasekaran, Saravanakumar Valarmathi M.Willjuice iruthayarajan Studies in Informatics and Control Tuning of Multivariable Decentralized PID controller Using State Transition Algorithm Vol.24, Issue.4, pp: 5559-5562, 2015 2015 0.913
4 Mr.S.Senthil Kumar M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Mr.M.Bakrutheen IEEJTEEE Investigation on suitability of Rice bran oil and corn oil as alternative insulating liquid for transformer Vol.No.11 Iss.1,pp.10-14, 2016 2016 0.213
5 R.V.Maheswari B.Vigneshwaran L.Kalaivani International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and ElectronicEngineering Genetic Algorithm Based Automated Threshold Estimation in Translation Invariant Wavelet Transform for De-noising PD Signal Vol.34, No.4.: pp. 1252 – 1269, 2015 2015 0.44
6 K. Kumar N.B.Prakash S. Divya International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Special Issue Investigation of Flashover performance on 22KV bushing with non-uniform pollution Vol. 10, No.20, pp. 15948-15953, 2015 2015 -
7 K.Gowthami N.B.Prakash Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Automatic Vehicle Collision Avoidance System - A Survey Vol. 7, Issue:1, pp 1046-1053, 2016 2016 0.35
8 R.Madavan SujathaBalaraman Engineering Failure Analysis Failure analysis of transformer liquid - solid insulation system under selective environmental conditions using Weibull statistics method Vol.65, pp26-38, 2016 2016 1.028
9 D.Kavitha M.Gnanasundari International Journal of Science and innovative engineering & Technology(IJSIET) Design of Neutral point potential regulator for NPC inverter fed Induction motor Vol. 1, May Issue 2016. ISBN 978-81-904760-8-9, 2016 2016 -
10 P.Subathra V.Saravanan International Journal of Science and innovative engineering & Technology(IJSIET) Design of Lithium Sulphur Battery and PV system for a Micro Grid Vol. 1, May Issue 2016. ISBN 978-81-904760-8-9, 2016 2016 -

Academic Year 2016-2017

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 S.Senthil Kumar M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan M.Bakrutheen S.Gowthama Kannan IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Effects of Antioxidants on Critical Properties of Natural Esters for Liquid Insulations Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 2068-2078 2016 1.306
2 Dr.M.Ravindran Dr.M .A.Perumal Biomedical Research Journal Biological treatment of palm oil with anti oxidant for Energy efficient operations of transformer No.: 0970-938X 2016 0.2
3 G.Saravanakumar K.Valarmathi M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Seshaadhri Srinivasan Internal Journal of Advanced Intelligence paradigms Lagrangian based state transition algorithm for tuning multivariable decentralized controller Vol.8, No.3   2016 -
4 A.Karthick K.KalidasaMurugavel L.Kalaivani U.SaravanaBabu Advances in Building Energy Research Performance Study of building integrated Photovoltaic modules Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 178-194 2018 -
5 Mr.N.B.Prakash Dr.D.Selvathi Biomedical Research Journal Special Issue S414-S418 An efficient approach for detecting exudates in diabetic retinopathy images No. 0970-938X 2017 0.2

Academic Year 2017-2018

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 R.Muniraj M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan R.Arun Studies in Informatics and control Tuning of Robust PID controller with filter for SISO systems using Evolutionary Algorithms Vol.26, No.3, PP: 277-286 2017 0.776
2 Arun Ram Prasath M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan R.Karthik International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems Retreatment of aged mineral oil using semi conductive nano composites for power transformer application Vol.27, No.9 2017 1.085
3 T.Piraisoodi M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan K.Mohaidheen Abdul Kadhar IETE Journal of Research – Taylor & Francis An optimized non-linear controller design for Boiler-Turbine system using Evolutionary Algorithms Vol.64, No. 4, pp.451-462 29 Aug. 2017 0.909
4 M.Purushothaman Manivannan.J S.Balakiruthiha Jeyaprakash Rajini Sultan Rajesh Journal of Australian Ceramic Society, Springer Publications Machinability performance of Al–NiTi and Al–NiTi–nanoSiC composites with parametric optimization using GSA pp.1-11 2017 0.744
5 M.Bakrutheen M. WilljuiceIruthayarajan S.Senthil Kumar Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer Nature) Investigation on the Properties of Natural Esters Blended with Mineral Oil and Pyrolysis Oil as Liquid Insulation for High Voltage Transformers Vol:446, pp: 187 – 196   2017 -
6 T.Piraisoodi M.WilljuiceIruthayarajan K.Mohaidheen Abdul Kadhar International Journal of Fuzzy System (Springer) Application of Single and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Nonlinear Controller design in Boiler-Turbine system Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 803–816 18-Mar 2.16
7 S.Nagalakshmi R.C.Rohini S.Balakiruthiha Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer Nature) Integration of wind power generators for the enhancement of profit by optima allocation of SVC Vol:446, pp: 25-30   2017 -
8 S.Vimal, L.Kalaivani, M.Kalliappan Cluster Computing Collaborative approach on mitigating spectrum sensing data hijack attack and dynamic spectrum allocation based on CASG modeling in wireless cognitive radio networks Vol. 22, pp. 10491–10501 2019 3.458
9 Arun Ram PrasathRamaianThirugnanam, Willjuice Iruthayarajan Maria Siluvairaj and RadhaKarthik   IET Science, Measurement & Technology Performance studies on dielectric and physical properties of eco friendly based natural ester oils using semi-conductive nano composites for power transformer application Vol. 12, No. 3 2017 1.263
10 M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan AjithaPriyadharshini.S Melba Mary.P Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences Automatic Generation control in Deregulated Power system using Genetic Algorithm optimized Fuzzy controller Vol.11, No.2, PP: 479-487,   2017 -

Academic Year 2018-2019

S.No Authors Name List Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Vol. No & Page No Year Impact Factor
1 R.Madavan S.Senthil kumar M.Willuice Iruthyarajan Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects A comparative investigation on effects of nano particles on characteristics of natural esters-based nano fluids Vol. 556, pp 30-36 2018 2.829
2 J.Sivadasan, M.Willjuice Iruthayarajan Technical gazette Tuning Of Nonlinear PID Controller For TRMS using Evolutionary Computation Methods Vol.25, pp. 105-111 2018 0.686
3 G.Kannayeram P.S.Manoharan, N.B.Prakash Journal of Measurements in Engineering PI-tuned UPFC damping controllers design for multi-machine power system Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 81-92 2018 -
4 G.Kannayeram P.S.Manoharan M.Willjuice Iruthayaranjan T.Sivakumar Journal of Electrical Engineering Tuning of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) Using PSO and NSGA-II Investigations Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1-8   2018 -
5 D.Selvathi, N.B.Prakash, V.Gomathi G.R.Hemalakshmi Biomedical and Pharmacology journal Fundus Image classification using Wavelet based features in detection of glaucoma Vol.11, No.2, pp.795-805   2018 -
6 A.Karthick K.Kalidasa Murugavel L.Kalaivani Energy Performance Analysis of Semitransparent Photovoltaic Module for Skylights Vol. 162, pp. 798-812   2018 4.968
7 S. Vimal, L. Kalaivani, M. Kaliappan, A. Suresh, Xiao-Zhi Gao, R. Varatharajan Neural Computing and Applications Development of secured data transmission using machine learning-based discrete-time partially observed Markov model and energy optimization in cognitive radio networks Vol. 32, pp.151–161 2020 4.213
8 B. Vigneshwaran, M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan, RV. Maheswari IET Science, Measurement & Technology Recognition of Multiple Partial Discharge patterns by Multi-class SVM using Fractal Image processing technique Vol. 12, No.8, pp. 1031-1038 2018 1.336
9 K. Agnes Prema Mary, P.Subburaj, R.V. Maheswari, L.Kalaivani Journal of Electrical Engineering Fractal features based roller bearing fault analysis using multi support vector machine Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 390 - 397 2019 -
10 S. Arun Sankar, M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan Journal of Electrical Engineering Design and performance analysis of a Maximum Power Point Tracking using Sliding Mode Controller for harvesting Photo Voltaic Power Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 328-337 2019 -

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