Self Learning & Extension Services:

Self Learning can be challenging, even for the brightest and most outstanding students. Students need various skills towards learning for successful independent / self-learning study.
In this regard, NEC Central Library had established the Quality Improvement Cell (QIC) under the guidelines of Anna University, Chennai.

Quality Improvement Cell (QIC)

Since 2014, through the Quality Improvement Cell (QIC), the faculty members and students are exposed to various resources such as SWAYAM NPTEL, IIT Madras, FOSS Courses, Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay and other video courses etc for the improvement in Teaching and Learning processes


NPTEL, IIT Madras has been offering self-study courses across engineering, humanities and science streams for more than a decade. These are available at From March 2014, NPTEL has been offering online certification for its courses, the highlight is the certification exam which earns an opportunity for the students to be certified from the IITs! These are available at

SWAYAM NPTEL Local Chapter @ NEC

NPTEL, IIT Madras has been offering self-study courses across engineering, humanities and science streams for more than a decade. These are available at From March 2014, NPTEL has been offering online certification for varied courses. The certification exam earns an opportunity for the students to be certified by the IITs! These are available at

NEC Learner’s Statistics:

Academic Partner of IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial FOSS Courses

The Spoken Tutorial Project is an initiative of the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), Ministry of Education (formerly MHRD), Government of India, developed at IIT Bombay to promote IT literacy through Open Source Software (FOSS) using audio-visual tutorials namely ‘Spoken Tutorial’ at

Workshop / Training & Online Test Statistics:

Workshop / Training organized :
Online Test Conducted: