Coordinator: Dr.K.Manisekar, Prof/Mechanical Engineering
Mr.B.Ganapathy Ram,Assistant Professor(SG) Electronics and Communication Engineering
To create a result driven environment for stimulating growth in business and economic development in the southern region of Tamilnadu through Incubation.
To simulate entrepreneurial spirit & innovation promotion among the students and the local community for the successful development of new businesses and employment generation in specific sectors that are aligned with the unique opportunity of this region
To create a conducive environment and to provide necessary support and services to our students to start their own business after their graduation
- To cultivate Entrepreneurial culture in NEC campus and among the community.
- To assist in the formation both technology and non technology driven business and to aid in their successful development.
- To position NEC and the community to take advantage of the new business opportunities.
- To provide experiential learning opportunities and internships for students and faculty that will complement programs on campus.
- To create jobs for graduating students.
- To create good paying jobs in the community.
- To expand the opportunities for NEC to partner and engage with the community.
NEC-Business Incubation Center (NEC-BIC) can provide a conducive atmosphere where small businesses can grow and prosper in a socially backward place, located at Madurai-Tirunelveli highway which is well connected through air, rail and road. It is proxy to smart cities Tuticorin and Madurai which have been recently approved by the Govt. of India,New Delhi and have more scope for development in infracture, Industrial and agricultural developements. In addition, as per CII and other associations around Rs. 33735 Crore is going to be invested in various Infrastructure projects to nurture and develop young Entrepreneurs in Technology and Non Technology field along this corridor. This approach will be a Key source for Entrepreneurship and business start-ups to grow in this region.
In this context,the large infrastructure facilities in R&D is established at NEC to support and motivate the young researchers, who can promote the commercial research culture through the strong venture of the Institute – Industry Tag for Make-in-India. In addition, NEC could provide the appropriate infrastructure for computer technology and telecommunications as well as training to these potential tenants (Start-ups).
Further , the NEC –BI is ready to nurture successful indigenous technologies and growth oriented entrepreneurs/enterprises who can contribute to the economic growth of this region and the community to make both Tamil Nadu and India Gl;obally Visible. NEC is reputed for its huge network of successful domain experts, academicians and experienced professionals who can share their technical experience in harning the skill of product development. This can be visible through the presence of our alumni in various reputed organizations, academic institutions and as an entrepreneur throughout the globe. Now,NEC is also ready to serve both non- technology and technology businesses. This, in turn, may help with faculty and student recruitment, and retention of graduates in the community.Further, it expands the opportunities for NEC to partner and engage with the community for further development of rural society.
To know more about the Business Incubator facilities and activities, please click here:
- Support extended to start-ups
- Infrastructure Support
- Seed Fund Support
- Innovation Fund Support
- Prototype Development
- Hardware & Software Support
- Connectivity
- Learning Resources
- Marketing Support
- Testing
Mechanical Engineering
Expertize in Energy sectors such as Renewable Energy , photovoltaic&Bio mass , development of New materials & Agriculture gagets & Automation
Electronics Engineering
Expertise to support in VLSI, Wireless Sensor Networks, Biomedical instrumentation, Tele-medicine, Signal Processing, Radar Signal and Image processing, Biomedical Signal Processing, Optical Communications, Embedded Systems, Memory Devices, etc.
Electrical Engineering
Expertise to support High Voltage Engineering, Power electronics, Power system stability, Power Quality, Renewable / Alternate energy, Technology for smart grid, embedded control,evolutionary Algorithms
Information Technology
Expertise to support in the area of Data mining, Networking, Security systems ,Image processing & -e-commerce
Agriculture and allied field
Testing of electronic equipments, construction materials& electrical Equipments
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
- One among the First set of Self Financing Engineering College Established in 1984
- 32 year old Engineering college with all the eligible departments are accreditated by NBA
- 3 UG programmes are accredited by NBA-TIER I, New Delhi and another 3 in process.
- Afiliated to Anna University, Chennai and Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India.
- Institution is accredited by NAAC, UGC – 2 (F) & 12(B), Government of India.
- Granted Autonomy in 2011 by University Grants Commission
- NEC bagged First Rank in Anna University Chennai for the academic year 2014-2015
- All Departments are recognized as Research Centers for conduction of Ph.D. Programmes by Anna University, Chennai.
- Institution is accredited by Institution of Engineers (India) & Tata Consultancy Services
- The institution has under taken R &D projects worth around Rs.5,00,00,000
- 36 faculties are with Ph.D
- Member of CII
- Startups can start their company easily
- Can avail the R & D experience of the Faculty
- Conducive environment for Product development
- Can utilize the students work force
- Motivating eco system for start ups
- Good networking assistance
- NEC-BI is a MSME recognized Business Incubator
- NEC is taking efforts to establish Technical Park at the campus
- NEC has Established Product Development Innovation centre at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- M/s SUM TWO SOFTWARE (P) Ltd has established Technobation center at CSE Department in the Year 2015