Applications are invited for the post of Software Developer and Lab Technician
Instructions to the Candidates
1. Please fill up all the fields
2. No provision for uploading any Documents
3. The Xerox copies of all Certificates / Testimonials will have to be produced at the time of interview.
4. The Interview Call Letter will be sent to the Selected Candidates and this will be informed over phone.
5. The Various experiences are to be mentioned as follows (Example)
a. Name of Institution 1. xxxx College of Engineering, 2. Sona Lab , 3. yyyy College of Technology
b. Designation 1. Lab Instructor (For Sl.No 1 Institution) 2. Software programmer (For Sl.No.2 Company)
c. Service Period 1. 2001 to 2005 (For Sl.No.1) 2. 2006 to 2009 (For Sl.No. 2)
d. Years of Experience 1. 5 years (For Sl.No.1) 2. 4 years (For Sl.No.2)
e. Salary Last drawn 1. Rs. 10000/-( For Sl.No.1) 2. Rs. 12000/- (For Sl.No.2) ………….
f. Reason for Leaving 1. Personal (For Sl.No.1) 2. Family Reasons (Sl.No. 2)
6. For Doubts / Clarifications if any may be contacted through the following mobile numbers.
a. 93859 76684 b. 93859 76674 c. 04632 – 222502 d. 04632 – 230 227
Click here to Apply