Ongoing projects
S.No | Dept. | Funding agency | Title of the project | Principal Investigator | Amount | Period |
1 | CMS | BRNS | Design and development of large diameter slewing ring bearings for fast breeder reactors | PI:Dr.K.Manisekar Prof. & Head / CMS Co-I: Mr.M.Kathiresan AP(SG)/Mech | 21,47,100 | 2006-2009 |
2 | MECH | BRNS | Prediction and control of distortion in components during hard facing. | PI:Dr.D.Ravindran Prof. & Head/ Mech. Co-I:Dr.S.L.Mannan Dean (R&D) | 20,14,600 | 2008-2010 |
3 | MECH | AICTE (RPS) | Super plastic diffusion bonding of titanium sheet with austenitic stainless steel. | PI:Dr.D.Ravindran Prof. & Head/ Mech. Co-I:Dr.T.Vigraman AP(SG)/Mech. | 6,30,000 | 2008-2010 |
4 | CSE | DST | Real time multi human Tracking and activity recognition system | PI :Dr.K.Ramar Co-I :Dr.V.Gomathi Asso.Prof.(SG) / CSE | 14,41,200 | 2006-2009 |
5 | CSE | AICTE (RPS) | Real time Human activity recognition system | PI:Dr.V.Gomathi Asso.Prof.(SG) / CSE | 3,70,000 | 2006-2008 |
6 | CSE | DRDO | Development of an Intrusion Detection system for Mobile ad-hoc Networks using Game Theoretical models | PI:Dr.B.Paramasivan Prof. Head/CSE Co- I:Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai, Asso.Prof/CSE | 27,16,000 | 2011-2013 |
7 | CSE | AICTE | Intrusion prevention system for adhoc network security | PI: Dr.B.Paramasivan Prof. Head/CSE Co- I: Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai, Asso.Prof/CSE | 9,70,000 | 2012-2014 |
8 | CSE | CSI | Development of an intelligent irrigation system using wireless sensor networks | PI: Dr.B.Paramasivan Prof. Head/CSE Co- I: Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai, Asso.Prof/CSE | 45,000 | 2012 -2013 |
9 | CSE | IE(I) | Design and Development of an Intelligent structural health monitoring system for a simply supported bridge using wireless sensor network | PI: Dr.B.Paramasivan Prof. Head/CSE Co- I: Dr.K.Mohaideen Pitchai, Asso.Prof/CSE | 1,50,000 | 2012-2014 |
10 | CSE | AICTE(MODROBS) | Modernization of Common Computing Facility & Establishment of Advanced Computing Environment | PI: Dr.B.Paramasivan Prof. Head/CSE Co- I: Mr.S.Solaisamy Sr.Sys.Prog/CSE | 6,80,000 | 2013-2014 |