Examination Timings:

Examinations with 3 hours duration

FN session – 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m.

AN session – 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

For the smooth conduct of the examinations, the candidates are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:

The Candidates:

  • Have to check the Hall No. and seating plan daily.
  • Have to enter the hall 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination and occupy their seat correctly.
  • Are not allowed to enter the hall after 30 minutes from the commencement of the examination.
  • Are to have Hall Ticket and Student Identity card in the hall.
  • Should not be in possession of mobile phone, programmable calculator, pager and any notes or other written/ printed matter except as may be specifically permitted by the Chief Superintendent / Invigilator.
  • Have to check the answer book is damaged /contains all the pages. No additional sheets will be issued.
  • Have to check whether the Register Number, Degree/Branch, Subject code/ Name and Date of the exams are written correctly in the answer booklet.
  • On receipt of question paper, have to verify the Subject code / Name and ensure that the correct question paper is received.
  • Are prohibited from writing or leaving any distinguished marks so as to identify their paper.
  • Should not detach any sheets from the answer booklet and answer booklet should not be taken out of the hall.
    Should not exchange any materials with other candidates inside the hall.
  • Have to return back any data books/ charts/ manuals issued to them before leaving the hall.
  • Have to ensure whether they signed in the attendance sheet before leaving the exam hall.
  • Have to maintain silence inside the examination hall.
  • Who resort to malpractice of any nature will be consider seriously and necessary disciplinary action will also be taken against them. It may lead to even, cancellation of all the exams written by them during the semester.
  • Can report any missing data/figure or discrepancy in the question paper to the Invigilator inside the Hall.
  • Can leave the exam hall for any emergency like natural calls/illness with the prior permission from the respective invigilator and with the assistance of supporting staff.